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How to Be Present in Your Friendships
If you’re just like me, then you also consider your girlfriends as family. You support each other during difficult times and celebrate exciting milestones in life. You tell the truth about everything, from toxic romances to unflattering outfits. So why do we often find ourselves overlooking these precious relationships? Sure, most of us will get married, or will have lots of career and family obligations, but shouldn’t we prioritized our friendships as well? Apart from taking time to see your friends, here are other ways on how you can be more present with your friendships.
- Send a Mail
Shooting off an email may be easy, but sending cards and letters is much more personal and require a different kind of effort. When you receive a sweet note in your mailbox, you’d feel appreciated and recognized, right? Well, so will your girlfriends. So head to the Singapore Postal Service now, and make your friends feel remembered and loved.
- Disconnect From Technology
While this may seem easy, you’ll actually end up feeling like your phone is glued to your hand. Your fingers might even instinctively swipe when you see your screen light up with a new message. If you have the habit of monitoring your emails and texts even during special get-togethers, simply turn off your phone to avoid temptation. Your emails and messages will still be there when you turn it back on.
- Schedule One-on-One Plans
It’s quite easy to rely on group activities or big events to reconnect with people you care about. But the truth is, the best time spent with your friends is the time you spend with them one-on-one. Remember that you have different friends for different reasons, which is why its’ important to see your up-for-anything friend separately from your shoulder-to-cry-on friend. Set and spend a one-on-one time with each of them to get the most intimate experience with each of your girlfriends.
- Take Note of Important Dates
Remembering birthdates is a basic requirement for any friendship, but what about job promotions or wedding anniversaries? Also, isn’t remembering a friend’s difficult milestone just as important as taking note of the happy ones? Remembering the date of their tough breakup or the death of their loved one will show them how much you care about their happiness, as well as their hardships.
- Check Jealousy Between Friends
We’ve probably experienced our fair share of girl-on-girl jealousy, but when it comes to our best friends, it just simply can’t exist. Even if you’re in a difficult situation while your best friend is on top of the world, you’ll never know how the future may play out. Always offer your undivided excitement and support to your friends, so that when it’s your time to succeed, your friends will be there to support and appreciate you as well.
- Share the Conversation With Everyone
Generally, people love talking about themselves. It makes us feel loved and recognized, but at some point, it just goes overboard. You might find yourself sharing family updates, asking for a favour, and complaining about your work, all before the waiter starts taking your orders. Remember that quality time with your best gals doesn’t come around often, so don’t let your dinner end without hearing updates from everyone on the table.
- Keep in Touch Actively
Keeping in touch can be tough at times, but it’s important for you to reach out and let your friends know that you’re thinking about them. An easy way to do this is to schedule a specific date for a get-together dinner. Marking the date on the calendar will hold you all accountable. For long distance friendships, do the same thing either through video chat or phone. Most of the time, it’s good to disconnect around friends but in some situations, technology is what helps us to stay in touch with our loved ones.
Being present in your friendships is as important as developing your career or fulfilling your commitment with your family. So put the aforementioned tips to work to stay in touch with your friends even if they’re miles away from you.