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Getting to Know the Four Pillars of Personal Finance
It is tough to live here in Singapore if we do not manage our finances well. In fact, there are numerous indexes telling us that Singapore is the world’s most expensive city to live in. Knowing this, we have to be more careful of our finances if we do not want to get broke or bankrupt.
There are many ways to handle our finances. For instance, we can ask for the assistance of financial experts and consultants to evaluate our finances and help us reposition it. We can also read from articles online about financial matters. However, we have to remember that the success will really depend on ourselves.
We can in this case learn everything we need to know about personal finance. By learning the four pillars of personal finance, we will know what to strengthen and how to manage our money for our financial freedom. So, here are the four pillars of personal finance:
- Income: As long as we work, we will have an income but how can we manage it? We have to make sure that we have a strong financial foundation. Many people consider saving in the bank but others would rather take the risk and create their own business.
- Debt: The next pillar is debt. Debts are present and sometimes we tend to consider it because of some money restrictions. Debts should be destroyed and not encouraged. We have to remember that debts will just pull the momentum out of our efforts to build our wealth. So, the next time we think about buying that smartphone and consider credit card, we have to think twice. Debts will only delay our building of wealth.
- Budget: Mothers are great when it comes to budgeting but we don’t have to be mothers to learn the value of budgeting. We know what we want and need. We can buy anything we want but we have to make sure that living on the street will not follow. If we ignore budgets, we will surely be in deep debt.
- Invest: The last pillar is investing our money. Now there is a short-term and long-term investment. Both are good but if we want to make sure that our money continues to grow, we have to consider the long-term investment. Long-term investment is difficult if we find it ourselves. This is the time that we employ the help of others especially those that are knowledgeable in the market.
Now that we know the four pillars, here’s to better days!
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Foods Rich in Omega 3
Staying fit and healthy could be a struggle in today’s generation as the world keeps on getting busier and busier and cities get bigger and bigger. While exercise is an important factor for health, experts often say that health comes from the kitchen. Some foods that help in keeping a person healthy are those rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 helps in curbing hunger, in protecting the heart against diseases, and in keeping the brain healthy. Some of the following foods are rich and omega 3 and could very well help you in your long-term health.
Among the many variants of nuts, walnuts are the most omega 3 packed. Walnuts also contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamins to help keep the body clean and healthy.
Chia Seeds
Although very tiny, these seeds are jam-packed with healthy goodness such as omega 3. Chia seeds, since tasteless, are best added to meals such as salads, oats, and protein shakes.
Grass-fed Beef
Grass is rich in omega 3 and other antioxidants. That’s why free-range cows that eat grass and other greens are better options for omega 3.
Free-range Chicken Eggs
Eggs are already healthy by themselves due to the amount of protein and other vitamins. Free-range chicken eggs are even healthier as free-range chicken feed on omega 3 rich greens such as seeds and nuts.
Beans are normally known to be some of the best sources of protein. But, they are actually also one of the best sources of omega 3 as only a cup of it already fills up a person’s daily need for omega 3.
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Best Cases for Your iPhone 6
The iPhone has become the staple smartphone for today’s generation and has risen up to become the most popular and most successful phone as well. Its latest incarnation, the iPhone 6, offers whole new features and an entirely new look compared to its predecessors. The new look and body of the phone would now allow iPhone 6 users to buy different sets of cases for the phone. To help you get started on shopping for your iPhone 6 cases, here are some cases we believe are best for your phone.
Spigen Neo Hybrid Case
One of the more durable, yet stylish cases available, the Neo Hybrid offers superior shock absorption with the form-fit shape that’s not too bulky.
Although thin, this case is as tough as it gets. It has a rubber edge to prevent it from slipping out of the hand and for extra impact absorption. It also comes in a leather design for extra style and luxury.
Simplicity is the best asset of this iPhone case. It’s a round cover with round edges and comes in many stylish colors.
When it comes to cushioning and impact resistance, nothing comes closer to the OtterBox. This case is best for those who are often active and would need the extra protection the phone needs. It’s a little thick though, which may be a turn-off for some people.
Speck CandyShell
The glossy finish of this case makes it one of the smoothest cases for the iPhone 6. It can easily slip into pockets and out of your hand. Yet, it’s also made out of tough materials to help cushion impacts together with rubber edges.
LUVVITT Clearview
As the name suggests, this case allows a clear view of the iPhone’s body. Aside from a clear view design, the case is perfectly formed to mimic the shape of the iPhone 6. That’s why it makes it look like your iPhone is naked yet still has some sort of protection.
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It’s Time to Take the James Bond Shower
5 Surprising Benefits of Taking Cold Showers
Have you ever tried taking a really cold shower? Then you’re familiar with the bracing sensation of the icy cold water pouring over your showerhead down to your just-warm skin. Sure, it can give you the chills and numbing sensation, but taking the so called ‘James Bond Shower’ – or freezing cold shower – can actually provide some amazing benefits not just on your skin, but on your entire body as well.
- Boosts Alertness and Energy. Stepping into a cold shower will really shock anybody. But this shock will also give you the energy boost that you need through a deep breathing response. This response is what increases our oxygen intake and keeps us feeling warm throughout the bath. With this, our heart rate also increases, releasing a good amount of blood throughout the body and giving us a dose of energy that we need to last throughout the day.
- Refines Skin and Hair. If you’re looking into more a natural way of maintaining the appearance of your skin and hair, then we suggest that you make taking cold showers a habit. Unlike hot shower, cold shower aids in tightening the pores and cuticles, preventing them from being clogged with dirt. When it comes to haircare, taking a cold shower aids in increasing your hair follicles’ ability to grip the scalp, resulting to a hair that looks stronger and healthier.
- Improves Circulation and Immunity. Taking cold showers is also believed to improve blood circulation in your organs, combatting skin- and heart-related problems. When cold water hits your body, its ability to get blood circulating helps your arteries in pumping blood more efficiently, thereby boosting your heart health, lowering blood pressure, clearing blocked arteries and improving your immune system.
- Eases Stress. Had a rather stressful day? Then try jumping into a cold shower to relieve your stress. Cold showers are believed to promote an increased tolerance not just to stress, but to certain diseases as well. Some studies also showed that the cold stimulus triggered an increase in glutathione, making the remaining antioxidants perform at their optimal levels.
- Relieves Depression. Other than easing stress, taking cold showers – or cold hydrotherapy – is also believed to relieve depression. The intense impact of the cold water into the skin sends electrical impulses to the brain, producing an anti-depressive effect that boosts one’s mood.
Turning off the heat on your shower may not sound appealing to you, but these benefits are already enough to make you want to take some cold plunge on a daily basis.
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From Scrawny to Brawny: 5 Fashion Tips for Skinny Men
While you may think that skinny fellas have it easy in the wardrobe department, in reality, they also struggle in finding clothes that perfectly fits and flatters their built. Though most garments are made with slender guys in mind, the pieces often accentuate their slim bodies a little too much. The good thing is there are some good fashion rules that a skinny guy like you can follow to make your navigation in the world of getting dressed a lot easier.
- Ditch the Vertical Stripes. While it can make you taller, wearing vertical stripes can make you look much thinner. Vertical stripes are perfect for short, heavy men who want to look tall and thin. So for slender guys like you, opt for pieces set in wide and horizontal stripes.
- Go With White. White can be a promising colour if you’re thinking of making your built fuller, and only slim men are lucky enough to wear this peaceful colour from head-to-toe. So pack up your dark coloured pieces and fill up your wardrobe with white to enhance your look and physique.
- Wear Shoulder Pads. Shoulder pads aren’t just for women, they also work wonders in enhancing a man’s physique. They help in defining your shape and shoulder bone, while adding some extra bulk. Just remember to go for light or medium shoulder pads, since the heavy types can make you look a lot bulkier and massive.
- Put on Some Layers. Layering isn’t just a technique for women, it’s a fashion trend that even men can use to make themselves look fuller. Just wear a statement shirt under your favourite blazer, sweater or coat, wrap up a cravat around your neck and you’re good to go.
- Opt for Altered Pants. Going with fitted pants will only make you look thinner. Instead, get a pair of comfort-fit and have it altered by your tailor. Ask your tailor to taper your pants around the calf area to get that perfect fit. Also, your pants should be fitting around your waist and thighs, but not on the calf.
Finding clothing pieces that fit and flatter you can be quite difficult, especially if you have a rather slender built. But by keeping these fashion tips in mind, you’ll now be able to pick the right clothes for you and turn your scrawny frame into a brawny one.