Jul 16, 2018

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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurring thoughts that drive a person to do something repetitively. The recurring thoughts become the obsession, while the repetitive acts become the compulsion.

How can obsession and compulsion affect in a person’s quality of life?

When Can Thoughts Become Obsessions?
There are several forms obsession can take. One is the preoccupation of contamination through the contact with germs, chemicals, and other substances that the person thinks will make him/her sick. Some are also afraid of coming into contact with other people whom they might contaminate or might contaminate them.

Obsession can also be in the form of fear of accidentally harming others and oneself. They think that if they fail to perform a ritual or compulsion, like cleaning an object, they will be bringing a disease that might harm them or other people living with them.

Some people also become obsessed with organizing objects in a certain way to produce exactness or symmetry. They will not feel right if they don’t do something exactly as they intended, or they feel that something unfortunate will happen if there is no order. They will also feel safer if they perform the ritual or avoid small mistakes. The person, however, is usually not aware of their obsession.

What are Examples of Compulsions?
Compulsions can also come in many forms, but most of these become rituals that are practiced excessively and are tied up to the obsession/s. The most common forms of compulsions are the following: excessive washing of hands, observing toilet rituals, washing specific parts of the body several times while bathing, rearranging or ordering things, checking things repetitively, mental rituals, excessive counting or touching objects, and cleaning compulsions.

These symptoms can change over time and may manifest as early as childhood. The obsession can change, and the rituals also vary. Most children with OCD also seek approval that they have done something right to feel safe or at ease, and even encourage family members to observe the same rituals.

How is OCD Treated?
The disorder is also misunderstood and is sometimes mislabeled when used on people who just love to keep things neat and orderly. OCD, however, isn’t simply wanting to keep things clean and organized. It is an uncontrolled, excessive behavior that can possibly affect the quality of life of the person and the people around him/her. Whereas cleaning the house can make others without OCD feel happy and accomplished, an individual with this disorder will not feel relieved or happy at all.

Fortunately, there are medications and therapies available to control these obsessions and compulsions. A combination of medication and psychotherapy is recommended for severe cases, but other accompanying disorders also must be treated. Medications recommended for OCD include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, usually in high dosages for at least 12 weeks.

Psychotherapy may be in the form of cognitive behavior therapy, habit reversal training, and exposure and response prevention.

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Jun 22, 2018

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Can Retinoblastoma be Treated?

Although retinoblastoma is a rare malignant cancer, it mostly affects children all over the world. In Singapore, it is the most common type of eye cancer, which accounts for half of such cases according to a study in 2000.

How Does It Start?
Like any type of cancer, the location of the cancer cells is important in the treatment approach. The location will also determine the likelihood of saving the person’s vision. Retinoblastoma can affect one or both eyes, but it rarely spreads from the eyes to other body parts. The illness affects children younger than 2 years because there is a fault in the process of eye formation while the baby is still in the womb. Retinoblasts or cells that are found during the formation of the eyes, do not mature into retinal cells, and instead keep dividing and growing uncontrollably. If not treated, the tumor can fill the eyeball, causing pressure, pain, and loss of vision.

Is it Related to Other Cancers?
Retinoblastoma begins in the retina, but the child can also be affected with another eye cancer or melanoma. This is rare, but the treatment approach will also be different if the child has other conditions that need to be addressed. The second most common eye cancer usually associated with retinoblastoma is medulloepithelioma, which begins in the eye’s ciliary body. Retinoblastoma can be inherited by the child and it has been found that the abnormality is associated with the mutation in the retinoblastoma gene, which can also develop sporadically.

How is it Treated?
There is no one treatment for retinoblastoma, because it must be approached based on its location, type, and the side effects. Most doctors recommend the usual treatments for most types of cancer such as cryotherapy, chemotherapy, thermotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and stem cell rescue. A child with retinoblastoma will need a team of specialists who will make sure that the side effects of the treatments are minimized. There is also a risk of late side effects that will most likely affect the child as he/she grows up, such as; vision and hearing problems, memory and learning problems, and second cancers.

Can the Eye be Saved?
If the specialists can still save the eye, the person might have to go through systemic chemotherapy or an external-beam radiation therapy. If both eyes are affected, there might be different treatment approaches for each eye depending on the size of the tumor and the likelihood of saving each eye.

What is Enucleation?
One of the treatments for retinoblastoma is enucleation or surgery of the eye that aims to remove the affected eye and parts of the optic nerve. This is recommended if there is a suspicion that the caner cells have spread to other parts of the body or if the individual will most likely lose his/her sight. If the tumor is very large and the patient does not respond to other types of treatment, enucleation is also an option.

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Jun 22, 2018

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What are Childhood Cancers?

Perhaps most of the cancer-related health cases you have seen in media were about adults, but cancer can also affect children and even newborns. Childhood cancer be difficult and complicated to treat, but there are successful stories of survivors who made it past their treatments.

As a parent, you should be aware of the types of cancer that affect children, such as the following:

• Leukemia. This is perhaps the most common childhood cancer not just in Singapore but in most parts of the world. Leukemia among children is not easy to detect, unless it is an acute leukemia which develops suddenly. The following symptoms might show up gradually: bleeding and bruising even with a minor injury; recurring stomachache; difficulty breathing or wheezing and coughing; swelling in the arms, neck, collarbone and groin; frequent bacterial and viral infections; anemia; and frequent pain the joints and bones.

• Neuroblastoma. This type of cancer usually develops after childbirth and affects the adrenal glands. Symptoms include stomachaches, changes in the appetite, weakness in the legs and a formation of a hard mass in the neck that isn’t painful.

• Retinoblastoma. The malignant tumor starts in the retina and can potentially cause blindness of not treated early. Retinoblastoma is asymptomatic, but the parents might notice that the pupil becomes white when light is shone on the eyes.

• Lymphomas. As the name implies, lymphomas affect the lymphatic system and cause the lymph nodes to enlarge. Lymphomas can either be Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin in variety, with the former having a higher survival rate than the latter. Look for the following symptoms: swollen lymph nodes in the groin/armpits/chest, chest pain, fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, fever, abdominal pain, severe itching, and sensitivity to alcohol.

• Wilms Tumor. Also known as a type of kidney cancer or nephroblastoma, it usually affects just one kidney although two kidneys are not rare. Symptoms might not be noticeable, and they can vary among children, but you should look out for the following: abdominal mass, pain, and swelling; blood in the urine; constipation; nausea and vomiting; fever; hypertension; and shortness of breath.

• Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors. The symptoms vary among affected children, that is why it’s important to get an early diagnosis. Look out for the following: recurring morning headache and nausea; problems in speech, vision, hearing, balance, and walking; unusual sleepiness; seizures; increase in head size; back pain and pain in the arms and legs; changes in the bowel movements; difficulty urinating; and leg weakness.

• Bone Cancer. Two most common types of bone cancer, osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma, affect children. Symptoms include bone and/or joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and tenderness; lump on a bone; weak bones and frequent fractures; anemia; fatigue; difficulty moving; and weight loss.

• Rhabdomyosarcoma. This is a type of soft tissue sarcoma that affects the fibrous tissue or the muscles, usually in the bladder, head or neck, uterus, vagina, and testes. Some affected children also have tumors in the limbs, abdominal wall, and the chest. Symptoms include blockage and discharges in the throat and nose, swollen eye, abdominal pain, constipation, and blood in urine.

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Jun 7, 2018

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4 Signs You Should Replace Your Old Plumbing

When it comes to plumbing works, your home has its own way to letting you know that something is going wrong. A good rule of thumb: use your senses. Observing, listening and smelling are the best ways to prevent potential disasters before they become a major problem. Here are some of the signs that say you need to get your home plumbing works checked and replaced with new lines by a plumbing contractor in Singapore.

The Water is No Longer Clear

Water is supposed to clean you up; therefore, it is supposed to be crystal clear. When you open the faucet and see that the water looks rusty or any color but clear, this raises a red flag.

Water that comes out from your faucet with a hint of brown or rust is usually a sign of pipe corrosion. As the water flows through the plumbing pipes, it can corrode, pick up and carry rut residues in the pipes.

Not only is this water unsafe for household use, rusty pipes are prone to mineral deposits that slowly build up within the pipe, too. When the build up gets too thick, this can cause clogs and increases chances of burst pipes—due to the strong pressure from the lack of open space for the water to freely flow. Before the need to fix burst water tap arises, call a professional plumber to have your pipes checked.

The Water Smells Funky

Does the water from the faucet have a rusty or foul odor? Well it shouldn’t be. Water shouldn’t have a smell; and when it starts to smell funky, it could be a sign of bacteria build up in the pipe. This means that some part of your home plumbing needs to be checked by a plumbing services expert.

You Start to Notice Mold and Water Damage

Broken faucets and leaky pipes can happen every now and then. As long as you get them fixed by a professional plumber immediately, you should be fine. But also remember that not all leaks are easily detectable. Some leaks can be behind walls, which can go silent and undetected. The only time you start to notice these leaks is when you discover a spot of damp moldy wall. Once you see such sign, call 24 hours plumber right away to have it checked and repaired right away before the damage aggravates.

You Hear Bubbling or Gurgling Sound

First off, know that it is normal for some drains, like the dishwasher, laundry machines, bath tub and anything that drains large amount of water, to produce bubbling sounds. However, when this happens to other drain points that only drains low amount of water, it could mean that the line is backed up or is constricted. Again, have it checked by plumbing services in Singapore to detect the problem in its earliest stage possible.

Your homes plumbing works may not age gracefully, especially if it doesn’t have enough maintenance from a reliable plumber. Give your waterways the TLC it deserves and call a professional plumber for maintenance check up and repair.

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May 15, 2018

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Eight Glasses of Water a Day

People do not usually give importance to hydration but what they do not realize is that without proper hydration, we are slowly leading our body to decay. Hydration is very important for a lot of things. One of the things hydration is useful for is circulation. Without proper hydration, the circulation of our blood within our body would not be normal. The circulation of our blood is very important if we are to function to our full potential. People do not realize that trying to function at their best without actually preparing for it would definitely not work.

Our body slowly gets weaker the more dehydrated we become. It may be hard to keep yourself regularly hydrated all throughout your day but water isn’t that hard to find. In fact, finding water around is really easy. All of the restaurants sell them, there are countless stores that all sell water and it is honestly not that expensive.

For those who do not enjoy water as a liquid, there are actually substitutes for that. There are certain fruits with a high water content which is good enough for you to be hydrated. Watermelon is a good fruit to keep you hydrated. If you enjoy the taste of watermelon, eating some throughout the day would be a great way to not just keep yourself hydrated but also a great fruit to snack on.

Drinking the right amount of water at the right time also helps your digestion and bowel movement. Keeping your body functioning at a healthy rate is very important. Your digestive system ban be a little tricky because it is not always about what you eat but also when you eat and the condition of your body while you are eating. A good digestive system is a great way for you to be able to enjoy your life to the fullest since you will be able to not only eat but also enjoy the nutrients you get from your food all throughout the day.

Now, is eight glasses a day really necessary? Well, yes! It is the perfect amount of water we should be drinking everyday. Drinking two glasses of water per meal and one glass of water in between breakfast and lunch and another one glass of water during the afternoon. Easy right? Well, you can drink more water than that. There’s actually no such thing as too much water. Unless of course you aren’t able to get healthy food together with your water.

Staying hydrated throughout your life is a great way for you to enjoy it. Don’t forget to drink water every now and then.

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