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On Set Bedtime Routine: Grown-ups Should Also Observe It
Sleep is a very important aspect in one’s growth and development. It is your body’s way of recuperating and restoring the energy needed for the next day’s use therefore it should not be ignored no matter what. Many Singaporeans think that only kids need sleeping and so adults set a bedtime routine. Parents enforce a strict bedtime routine for the children.
When the night falls, children already know the drill – sleep at around 8 or 9PM, lights out and no gadgets. Children have no choice but to follow the set bedtime routine. Unfortunately, it is an entirely different scenario for adults. Adults think that they are above the routine – no set sleeping time and continuous scrolling on social media not to mention Netflix addiction and unplanned pub hopping.
When you are an adult, there are many things that you should do – work related or not, and before you know it, it is already 3AM. By this time, you are already panicking because you have work at 9AM. How much sleep will you get? Then you resort to frantically counting the sheep over your mind in the hopes that you will sleep soon. Sometimes you even curse yourself for getting distracted.
If this is a problem, you have to train yourself maintaining the same bedtime as well as waking time every day. It gives adults a good chance of accomplishing quality and revitalizing sleep. How can you set a bedtime routine? Well, you have to know the basics first.
For sure you heard about circadian rhythm (or often referred as body clock). This is the body’s natural cycle that efficiently regulate all physiological processes. Sleep is mainly controlled by circadian rhythm. There are four stages of your sleep cycle. Stages 1 and 2 are the lightest stage (you can easily be awaken), Stage 3 is deeper (you are now hard to wake) and Stage 4 is called Rapid Eye Movement where you dream. Fewer sleeping time will lead to sleep deprivation.
It is time that you know the benefits of set bedtime routine. For one it can improve emotional wellbeing plus it can enhance cognitive function. If you slept well, it can in fact have a positive impact on your relationships. When you lack sleep, notice that you are not your normal self because you tend to experience poor mood, low energy and surge irritability leading to poor performance or productivity.
Now, how will you set your bedtime routine? It is not like you are going to ask your parents to enforce it to you once again. You are a grown person so you have the power to change your life. The first thing that you can do is to set a night time alarm. It will let you know when your body will get ready for sleep.